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Mária Sági, a native of Budapest, began her career as a classical pianist and turned subsequently to the study of medicine and psychology, specializing in personality theory, deep psychology, social psychology and the psychology of music. She received her Ph.D. in psychology at the Eötvös Lóránd Science University of Budapest, and after seven years research she received her C.Sc. degree of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. She is a former Research Associate and Scientific Secretary of Institute for Culture and Sociological Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. A leading member of the Club of Budapest since its inception in 1993, Dr. Sági currently serves as Science Director of the Club. 


Mária Sági is the author and co-author of eleven books and some hundred and fifty articles and research papers on topics as varied as social and personality psychology, the psychology of music and art and information medicine, some published in English, French, German, Italian and Japanese. 

She has done extensive research on the psychology of art: how music is reproduced through associations with color and form in painting, as well as on the Hungarian folk-dance movement, theatre, and cultural trends and values. Her books Aesthetics and Personality and Culture and Personality are frequently referenced in Hungarian research organizations. Creativity in Music, her book co-authored with Prof. Iván Vitányi, states the results of her experimental research work in a 9-volume treatise treating the investigation of generative ability in various segments of the Hungarian people. 


Dr. Sági’s professional experience includes co-directing the sociological survey of Hungarian families for the International Sociological Association, directing the European Perspectives Research on European Identity Project of United Nations University as well as research on the Transition to Global Society of the same University and serving as the Hungarian coordinator of EUROCIRCON, the European Culture Impact Research Consortium. (The results of the survey were published in World Futures, The Journal of General Evolution, in 1994.)

Forewords as Guest Editor


World Futures, The Journal of General Evolution, New York, Gordon and Breach, Mickleton USA, Vol. 39, 1994/1-3, pp 1-2; 


Surveying European Identity at the Growing Edge

World Futures, The Journal of General Evolution, New York, Gordon and Breach. Mickleton USA, Vol. 39, 1994/1-3, pp 3-10;


Survey in Hungary

World Futures, The Journal of General Evolution, New York, Gordon and Breach. Mickleton USA, Vol. 39, 1994/1-3, pp 47-64


The Evolution of European Identity in Hungary

World Futures, New York, Gordon and Breach. Mickleton USA, Vol 39, 1994/1-3, pp 67-93


Mária Sági is a member of the General Evolution Research Group and is the former Managing Editor of World Futures, The Journal of General Evolution (now World Futures: The Journal of New Paradigm Research). She has been a close collaborator of Prof. Ervin László in his work on the new paradigm in science and society, and has overseen the publication of the Hungarian edition of ten of László’s recent books.


Ervin László’s books edited and revised for the Hungarian edition


The Choice: Evolution or Extinction, The Thinking Person’s Guide to Global Problems, Los Angeles, Tarcher/Putnam, Jeremy P. Tarcher, Inc. 1993 Hungarian edition: Budapest: KIT Kiadó, 1994


3rd Millennium, The Challenge and the Vision, A Gaia Classic, Gaia Books Limited, London, 1997, p155, Hungarian edition: Budapest: Új Paradigma, 1998


The Whispering Pond, Element Books, 1996, Hungarian edition: Magyar Könyvklub, Budapest, 1996 - Afterword to the Hungarian edition: Healing Through the Fifth Field, pp 220-240.


The Consciousness Revolution, Element Books, Shaftesbury and Boston, 1999 - Foreword to the Hungarian Edition by Új Paradigma, 1999


Interesting Times, A Comprehensive Guide to Responsible Living in the New Millennium, Gaia Books Limited, London 1997 Hungarian edition: Magyar Könyvklub 1999


The Systems View of the World, A Holistic Vision for Our Time, revised and enlarged edition of “The Systems View of the World, The Natural Philosophy of the New Developments in the Sciences”, New York: George Braziller, 1972),  Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, 1996, Hungarian edition: Magyar Könyvklub, Budapest, 2000


You Can Change the World, Introduction by Mikhail Gorbachev, Action Handbook for the 21st Century, Positive News Publishing Ltd., Clun, UK, 2002, p 106, Hungarian edition: Magyar Könyvklub 2002


Chaos Point The World at the Crossroad, London-New York, 2006, Hungarian edition: Kossuth Kiadó, Budapest, 2006


Quantum Shift in the Global Brain, How the New Scientific Reality Can Change Us and Our World, Rochester, VT: Inner Traditions International; Hungarian edition: Nyitott Könyvműhely 2008, Budapest


Worldshift 2012, Making Green Business, New Politics and Higher Consciousness Work Together, Inner Traditions International, Rochester 2009; Hungarian edition: Nyitott Könyvműhely, Budapest, 2009


The Immortal Mind: Science and the Continuity of Consciousness Beyond the Brain. Inner Traditions, Rochester, Vermont. October 23, 2014. Hungarian Edition:  Angyali Menedek, 2018.


The Intelligence of the Cosmos, Why Are We Here? New Answers from the Frontiers of Science, Inner Traditions, Rochester, Vermont 2017; Hungarian Edition: Angyali Menedék, Budapest, 2018. Maria Sagi: The New Answers and the Goals of Contemporary Social Change. pp78-87.


Prof. Ervin Laszlo (Photo by Bernard F. Stehle)


Since the late 1980s Sági’s interests embraced natural healing, using the principles of  information medicine. She has developed the method of New Homeopathy pioneered by the Viennese scientist Erich Körbler as an encompassing method for diagnosing and treating human health problems whether in the presence of the patient and at a distance (“Holistic Information-Medicine”). She lectured on this method in seminars in Hungary, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, as well as Japan. She has worked with Ervin Laszlo in developing the theory of the Akashic field, providing examples of healing through that field and elaborating its implications for the new science paradigm developed by Laszlo.

Dr. Erich Körbler demonstrating the dowsing rod.


The Luxembourg Peace Prize



The Luxembourg Peace Prize is the highest European acknowledgement awarded every year to persons, groups and organizations worldwide for tangible actions towards Peace.


The Prize for ‘Outstanding Peace Activists 2017’ was awarded to the Club of Budapest (COB), its initiator Professor Ervin Laszlo, Chief Creative Director Anne-Marie Voorhoeve and Science Director Dr. Mária Sági, for their work of building bridges among cultures, and for their promotion of a ‘Planetary Consciousness’ on the theme of ‘Unity in Diversity’, and of supercoherence between human beings.


During the Awards Ceremony at the European Parliament Building in Luxembourg, the initiator of the COB, the world renowned scientist and systems philosopher Ervin László, presented the keynote speech via a Skype transmission, in which he underlined the fundamental role of planetary consciousness and of supercoherence for the establishment of a global society, not based on competition, but on cooperation, co-evolution, empathy and compassion. He invited everyone to join such work which the COB has been bringing forward for 20 years.


“We really and truly can, through our consciousness, change the consciousness that dominates the world. That is our chance, the opportunity we face. It is an idea whose time has come.”


Articles & Books by Mária Sági


The Motivation of Various Forms of Leisure Activity, Leisure Studies 2. E. and F.N Spon Ltd. London, 1983. pp. 111-114


Transmission of Cultural Values  in the Family under the Conditions of a Scientific-technical Revolution, Leisure Studies. E. and F.N Spon Ltd. London, 1983. pp98-107


Motivational Background of Cultural Activities in Leisure, Leisure Studies. E. And F.N.Spon Ltd. London. 1986. pp103-107


Cultural Identity. In: World Encyclopedia of Peace. Pergamon Press Ltd. Oxford, 1986


In co-operation with Ivan Vitanyi: Experimental Research into Musical Generative Ability In: Generative Processes in Music. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1988. pp180-193.


The Role of Amateur Groups in Hungary in Reviving Folk Dancing, Leisure Studies 6. E. and F.N Spon Ltd. London, 1987. pp25-40


Toward a General Theory of Human Creativity. Zygon Vol. 22. No.1.Zygon USA, 1987. pp57-67


Europäische Identitäte. Wiener Akademie für Zukunftsforschung, Wien, 1990


Culture and Lifestyle Framework for Economic Development in Hungary. World Futures. 33/1992. pp133-142


The Role of European Identity in the Transition to Global Society. In: Transition to Global Society. One World Publishers. Oxford, UK, 1992


In co-operation with Istvan Sagi: Die neue Homöopathie XIX: Wie man Allergien diagnostizieren und therapieren kann. Raum und Zeit 1994. N. 70. pp58-62


In co-operation with Istvan Sagi: Die neue Homöopathie XX: Holistische Diagnostik und Therapie mit Chakras. Raum und Zeit 1995, N. 7-8. pp5-19


In co-operation with Istvan Sagi: Die neue Homöopathie XXI: Diagnose und Therapie von Milchallergien, Möglichkeiten bei Zivilizationskrankheiten. Raum und Zeit 1995, N. 11-12. pp88-93


In co-operation with Istvan Sagi: Die neue Homöopathie XXII: Zur Wissenshcaftstheorie der neuen Homöopathie (IX): Das Psi-feld nach Ervin Laszlo. Raum und Zeit 1996, N. 5-6. pp92-97


Holistic Healing as Fresh Evidence for Collective Consciousness, World Futures, 1997/48, 151-160


Healing through the QVI-Field

In David Loy The Evolutionary Outrider, Adamantine Press Ltd., England, 1998, pp 109-116



Hagia Chora Winter, 1999/2000. pp15-17


Die Kraft der Form

Hagia Chora Frühjahr, 2000. pp44-47



Hagia Chora Frühjahr, 2000. pp52



Hagia Chora Sommer, 2001. pp50-56


Heilung durch das Urfeld

In: Ervin Laszlo Holos die Welt der neuen Wissenschaften,Verlag Via Nova, 2002, pp 165-177


Das Phenomen der Fernheilung (Teil I)

Comed, 2003, N. 3. pp80-83


Das Phenomen der Fernheilung (Teil II)

Comed, 2003, N. 4. pp100-103


Heilung durch das Psi-Feld

Zeitgeist, 2003 N.1. pp10-13


Healing through the Psi-Field

In: Ervin Laszlo The Connectivity Hypothesis, State University of New York, Press Albany, 2003


Healing over Space and Time

In. Ervin Laszlo The Akashic Experience, Science and the Cosmic Memory Field, Inner Traditions, Rochester, Vermont, 2009. pp94-106.


Heilung über Raum und Zeit hinweg

In: Ervin Laszlo: Der Akasha-Code. Verlag Via Nova, Petersberg, 2011. pp107-119


In French: La guérison au-delà de l’espace et du temps

In: Ervin Laszlo L1expérience Akashique. Editions Véga, 2013. pp117-131


Információs gyógyítás – A Körbler-módszer

Bioenergetic Kiadó, Dabas. 2013


Curarsi con le informazioni – Il metodo Körbler

Nuova Ipsa Editore, Palermo. 2014


Healing through the A-Dimension

In: Ervin Laszlo The Self-Actualizing Cosmos, Inner Traditions, Rochester, Vermont, Toronto, Canada, 2014


The New Homeopathy: A New Paradigm in Information Medicine

In Volume Symposium on the New Science Paradigm, World Futures, Special Issue, Volume 72, Number 1-2, Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, 2016, pp 53-68


Information Medicine

In The New Paradigm in Medicine, Guest Editor, Special Issue, World Futures, Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, 2016


A New Method of Remote Healing Through Information Based Treatment

In Journal of Conscious Revolution, A Journal of Transdisciplinary Scholarship, Integral Studies, ISSN 1555-9262. Issue 12, 2016,


The New Answers and the Goals of Contemporary Social Change

In: Ervin Laszlo The Intelligence of the Cosmos, Why Are We Here?, New Answers from the Frontiers of Science. Inner Traditions, Rochester, Vermont. 2017. ISBN: 987-1-62055-731-0, pp. 78-87


Healing with Information, The New Homeopathy, O Books, With: István Sági;

O Books, ISBN: 978-1-78279-858-3. Paperback. 27 July 2018


Contribution to Ervin Laszlo and Pier Mario Biava M.D. Information Medicine. The Revolutionary Cell-Programming Discovery that Reserves Cancer and Degenerate Diseases. Healing Arts Press, Rochester, Vermont. 2019. pp59-61


Remote Healing, Nonlocal Information Medicine and the Akashic Field, Healing Arts Press, ISBN: 978-1-62055-951-2. Paperback. July 2020

Contribution to Ervin Laszlo. Reconnecting to the Source. The New Science of Spiritual Experience. St. Martin’s Essentials, New York. March 2020. pp141-149


Healing in the Akashic Field

In: Ervin Laszlo. The Immutable Laws of the Akashic Field, Universal Truths for a Better Life and a Better World. Foreword by Marianne Williamson. St. Martin’s Press, New York. 2021. pp85-120


Wisdom for Health and Healing

In Ervin Laszlo: The Wisdom Principles. The Handbook of Timeless Truths and Timely Wisdom. St. Martin’s Essentials. 28 September 2021. pp141-176


The Role of Information in Classical and Modern Paradigms

Published online at

World Futures, The Journal of New Paradigm Research, Taylor and Francis Online; 19 January 2022​

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