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Remote healing is healing over space and time. Often called “nonlocal healing,” it is no longer a magical occurrence or a mysterious technique reserved for powerful shamans. Remote healing has moved from magic to science and it can be learned.


Healing beyond the limitations of space and time is nonlocal healing. This
is an intriguing concept, shading into the esoteric domains. It has always excited the imagination and has often been claimed to be real by shamans and witches and other spiritual persons, but not usually by scientists. However, in her book on this subject she presents a method that allows anyone who is serious about healing to practice healing in the remote form and to reap its benefits.

Embody - The Magazine of the Complementary Therapists Association - The Winter 2020 issue 


Remote Healing - Book review by David Lorimer

"While mainstream medicine relies on local biochemical interventions, this model uses a nonlocal information field for both diagnosis and treatment. In this sense, the healer is entangled with his or her patients."

The Scientific and Medical Network is a leading international forum

for people engaged in creating a new worldview for the 21st century.
The Network brings together scientists, doctors, psychologists,
engineers, philosophers, complementary practitioners and other
professionals. The Network is an educational charity which was
founded in 1973.

Paradigm Explorer - Journal of the Scientific and Medical Network ISSN 1362-1211 | No 134 | 2020/3 page 46


New Dawn Special Issue Vol. 14 No.6

72 pages • A4 size • Full Color Glossy Magazine

Healing in the Akashic Field

The Quantum Science of Information Medicine

In the modern world, remote healing has been relegated to the realm of fiction. This is now changing. Compelling evidence

has been amassed in experimental parapsychology and the quantum sciences that the phenomena of information-based healing are real and important. The Akashic Field theory developed by the Hungarian philosopher of science, Ervin Laszlo, explains these phenomena and rep- resents an important development in the contemporary healing arts. In this article, I link the new paradigm pioneered and developed by Laszlo with the phenomena I encountered in my twenty year-plus experience as a healer.


Természetgyógyász Magazin 2021. Január

Ősi bölcsességek és a mai tudás (54-57-ik oldal)

Mi a hosszú, boldog, egészséges élet titka? A régi időkben a bölcsek adtak ennek megtalálásához útmutatást. Az ősi bölcsességek tartalmai, tanításai ugyanúgy érvényesek ma is, mint keletkezésük idején, a világ különböző tájain több ezer évvel ezelőtt virágzó kultúrákban. Tanulmányozásukkor megdöbbentő a tartalmukban és megfogalmazásukban lévő hasonlóság. Mindegyik az emberi élet boldog, örömteli, kielégítő, egészséges teljességét tűzi ki célul, és mindegyikben első helyen áll a közösségi lét moralitása, a társadalmi szerepvállalás, a szolidaritás és a világgal való harmónia.


Winter Reads for Enlightenment - We Blog The World

by Renee Blodgett on November 30, 2020

"Ahhh yes, this is a wonderful yet practical guide to the Sagi method of healing across space and time. We now know that space and time isn’t what we think it is despite the fact that we can’t get our heads around it in linear ways.

It is this quantum revelation and beyond about space and time and our place “in it” that allows the magic of remote healing to occur. Why? Because this ‘quantum’ healing of energy in ‘unseen’ grids and fields that make up the human body can happen in a nonlocal way." Read more here

Képernyőfotó 2020-04-06 - 16.41.00.png

Journal of Conscious Evolution Issue 12, 2015-2016


Healing, in the form of remote healing, is one of the most exciting proofs of the working of the primordial field described by Ervin Laszlo. Although phenomena of "presentiment" and "faith healing" have been with us since earliest times, in each subsequent age, in every culture, and throughout the development of the world's belief systems, systematic attempts to understand these phenomena have been growing ever stronger. The paradigm of western science in the modern age tended to relegate remote healing to the realm of superstition or delusion, but this certainly does not characterize the complete history of science. Even in the present age, compelling evidence has been amassed by experimental parapsychology, albeit some it fails to satisfy the stringent requirements of the scientific method. Thus, the rigorous basis of the Akashic field theory as developed by Laszlo, having been derived as a synthesis of several, hitherto un-reconciled phenomena across various scientific fields, represents a unique, and I my view uniquely valid, development in modern science.


World Futures - The Journal of New Paradigm Research

ISSN: 0260-4027 (Print) 1556-1844 (Online) Journal homepage:


The implications of the role of information in natural systems are fundamental for the health sciences. The maintenance of health in the organism is above all a matter of maintaining its coherence, and this depends on the information that codes the organism. Organic malfunctions are indications of a flaw in that information. Experience shows that correcting the flaw in the information can be more effective than interfering with the biochemical processes resulting from the flawed information. A new kind of medical science has appeared on the horizon: “information medicine.” The Austrian scientist Erich Korbler was one of the most important pioneers of the new information medicine. Ko ̈rbler discovered that in the domain of very high frequencies the geometric figures we draw act as “radiesthetic” connecting elements and with their help we can target the transmission of information. This way we can also enhance, weaken, and alter electro-magnetic fields. By using this principle, Korbler developed a new healing method he named New Homeopathy.


Természetgyógyász Magazin


Korunk egyik legnagyobb gondolkodója, a 84 esztendős László Ervin professzor volt a vendége lapunk decemberi karácsonyi fesztiváljának. A társadalomfilozófus szerint tudományos paradigmaváltásra van szükség ahhoz, hogy az emberiség fennmaradjon. Összeállításunkban erről az új típusú gondolkodásról olvashatnak.


Természetgyógyász Magazin 2019. szeptemberi lapszám


"A” Sági Mari – így ismeri, emlegeti mindenki, neve fogalom. Úgy
profi a makrobiotikában, az agykontrollban, a Körbler-féle infor-
mációs gyógyításban, a klasszikus homeopátiában, hogy egyikből
sem kellett megélnie. Magyar, német, angol, olasz és japán nyelven
megjelent publikációinak csak a felsorolása is oldalakat igényel.
Sági Mária PhD a pszichológiai tudományok doktora, kandidátusa.



Sági Mária előadása A BUDAPEST KLUB és a MAGYAR TUDOMÁNYOS AKADÉMIA REGIONÁLIS TUDOMÁNYOK BIZOTTSÁGÁNAK fenntarthatósági konferenciáján. A rendezvény A JÖVŐ ÚJRAFELFEDEZÉSE címmel került megrendezésre a Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Széchenyi téri székházában  2017. június 14.

Sági Mária, La femme.jpg

2025 Dr Maria Sagi © All rights reserved

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